Julie Rallies Through Wisconsin
Julie is taking a virtual walk to Moab, UT, to see her nieces and nephew. John and Ben are tagging along. As they pass Smallwander towns, John has a stream of consciousness. Read the origin story.
Julie began this week taking a rather quick shortcut across Lake Michigan with the Lake Express Ferry. She has many friends in Michigan and Wisconsin, but, because of her firmness of mind, she moved too quickly to give them a shout-out while she raced to Mt. Horeb, WI, this week. Mt. Horeb is an enclave of Norwegian immigrants. One of their attractions is a trail of carved trolls. Meanwhile, neither Ben nor I know anyone in this part of the country, so, we are making haste even more so. Ben has been complaining of calf pain, in both calves, with his strenuous walking schedule. His quickened pace has brought him to Tipp City, OH, this week, which I passed through a couple weeks ago. I told Ben to seek medical attention about his calves, but he says the pain subsided and was only in one calf in the latter part of the week. We have no sag wagon for this trip. I settled in Jeffersonville, IN, this week.